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1 0 8  B Y T E  D R I V E , S U I T E  1 0 2 - A

F R E D E R I C K ,  M D  2 1 7 0 2



 L A U R A  G.  D U N C A N 

A T T O R N E Y   A T   L A W

​                                           ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Our Legal Services


Attorney Duncan provides Will preparation services as well as advance directive for healthcare and financial & durable power of attorney document preparation.  Call (240) 409-6108 to schedule a consultation at a time that is convenient for you.

Are you a First Responder, Military or Veteran?  If so, please inform us when you call for your Will consultation. 

We proudly serve ARAG Members to meet their estate planning needs.

Criminal Defense Matters:

Duncan handles misdemeanor Criminal Defense cases and DUI & DWI cases. 

Bail hearings with a Commissioner at the Frederick County Detention Center may be conducted via phone.

Fees for criminal cases vary based upon the nature of the charge(s) and other factors. 

Fees will be quoted at your initial consultation.


                                               Fait & DiLima, LLP

Child Advocacy & Family Law:

Attorney Duncan provided legal services to clients with Custody, Child Support, Divorce, Alimony, and

related legal matters alongside a team of accomplished family law attorneys at Fait & DiLima, LLP from early 2018 to

late 2023.

At your initial consult, an FD Attorney will asses your case and answer questions.  Please indicate whether you prefer

to schedule a consultation in Person or via Zoom and ask us about Mediation, Collaborative Law and other Alternative Dispute Resolution options to resolve your family law case outside of a courtroom.  For more information on the firm's Attorneys and services, please visit:  https://fdfamilylaw.com/your-legal-team/ 

​Collaborative Law:

Collaborative Law practice is a voluntary process which encourages two or more disputing parties to engage in candid and effective out-of-court communications, and it empowers the parties to find their own voices to attain mutually beneficial, voluntary, and durable solutions.  Approach your legal dispute with civility and the help of educated, trained professionals

who are dedicated to helping you work through the issues that divide you and toward win-win options and solutions. Instead

of waiting to go into Circuit Court where the outcome is both uncertain and potentially cost-prohibitive, ask about

Collaborative Law alternatives to help you and your adversary reach a durable and legally enforceable agreement.  

In Collaborative practice, each party may utilize the expertise of a financial neutral, child specialist, real estate professional, mental health professional or the collaborative coach to better understand their options.  All professionals whom the parties agree to engage in the process, including the lawyers, will spend their time helping the parties move closer to a final resolution.    

Is confidentiality of financial and personal information important to both parties?  Does each party have a concern about the impact this dispute will have on the future of their relationship with the other parties involved? 

If the answer to one or both of these questions is a resounding yes, then Collaborative Law may be an immensely beneficial process for resolving the legal dispute.  Why stress for months or years on end, or settle for much less than you seek, when you can walk a path of peace where every party in the dispute has a voice and a vested interest in the final outcome?  Explore Alternative Dispute Resolution options to litigation such as Collaborative Law and Mediation and choose the process that is right for YOU. 


Telephone Availability:

Telephone calls on Weekends or major Holidays will be returned the next business day.  Please call (240) 409-6108

for Will consultations and traffic cases.  For Felony Criminal matters, call (301) 251-0100 for a consultation with Ed Tydings, Jr. or (301) 900-8680 for Devin Luqman, Esq.  Luqman Law also provides legal services for Immigration clients.  Puedes llamar (301) 900-8680 para ayudar.  For a Custody or Divorce consultation, contact the law office of Fait & DiLima, LLP at
(301) 251-0100.